Audubon Center at the Bent of the River - Establish pockets of conifers in areas where hemlock die-back has been greatest and to stock the native plant nursery from which shrubs are used to restore the understory in areas of the forest cleared of invasive plants.
West Haven Watershed Restoration Committee, Sandy Point Subcommittee - Construct landscape islands in the parking lot and plant bird-friendly plants, shrubs, and small trees, replace the kiosk at the Sandy Point IBA that was destroyed during the winter months, continue removing invasive plants and replenishment of indigenous plants, and add signage to the bird and butterfly garden to educate the public.
New Haven Land Trust - Design and print educational signs about Quinnipiac Meadows’ bird population and the Preserve’s ecosystem and coordinate one educational event and one volunteer event to maintain the Preserve that will include invasive removal, tree planting, or trail maintenance.
Friend of Lighthouse Point Park and CT Butterfly Association - This is an ongoing project that improves the habitat at Light House Point Park IBA for birds and butterflies.
Menunkatuck Audubon Society - Double the area of the bird and butterfly garden at Salt Meadow Sanctuary and rejuvenated it with bird and butterfly friendly shrubs and perennials.
City of New Haven, Lighthouse Point Park - Purchase bird seed for the established Bird Feeding Stations at Lighthouse Point Park IBA and East Shore Park, an Urban Oases demonstration site and part of the New Haven Harbor Urban Refuge Partnership.
UCONN PhD Candidate - Research to determine which migratory bird species are using the Northwest Park IBA and determine which native food resources they prefer during migration and over the winter using motion activated cameras.
Groton Open Space Association, INC - Support for the acquisition of the 300 acre Avery Farm Property as soon as funds are available and work with NRCS to restore early successional forest habitat at the site.
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Through land stewardship, science, education, and advocacy, Audubon Connecticut works across the state to preserve habitat and protect bird species that are of state, national, and global concern.